this year for pride I am celebrating myself. I have come a long way on this journey is loving myself for who I am no matter what society thinks is wrong or right.
my love for myself and my partner keeps growing in all avenues that life has brought. but I don’t even want to forget about the girl I was before I was confident enough to be honest with myself. That little girl who feared herself for thinking those thoughts and having those feelings, she was still valid.
I keep reflecting on if only younger me could see me now. I spent my childhood not knowing what the outcome would be if i let everyone in on my little secret. the secret of finding my neighbor to be beautiful. the secret of the overwhelming feeling I got when the girl in my grade came out as bisexual. the secrets of me messaging a girl telling her that I wanted to kiss her but didn’t because “what if everyone found out.” It was those secrets and moments that kept everything inside for so long.
I was happy on the outside, laughing with all of my friends. but on the inside, I was fighting myself constantly for being different. and that’s when I decided it would be easier to continue to live a life that is acceptable, than to let the world know the truth.
It wasn’t until that girl caught my eye in high school, that I was ready to risk it all. and that risk was worth it! I’m thankful for my 17 year old self. she got judged, talked about, stared at, etc. but if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
Today I am happy. grateful. in love. fortunate, but most of all. I am proud.
happy pride month to all of you!